Black Rhino Skull (male) with Horns

Black Rhino Skull. Diceros bicornis. Skull with horns. Polyurethane cast of an original California Academy of Sciences specimen.
* Size: 23 inch (58.5cm)
* Museum quality replicas are cast in durable Polyurethane resins.
* Made in USA
The Black Rhinoceros or Hook-Lipped Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) is a species of rhinoceros, native to eastern and central Africa including Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Angola.
There are four subspecies of the black rhinoceros:
* South-central (Diceros bicornis minor) which are the most numerous, and once ranged from central Tanzania south through Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to northern and eastern South Africa.
* South-western (Diceros bicornis bicornis) which are better adapted to the arid and semi-arid savannas of Namibia, southern Angola, western Botswana and western South Africa.
* East African (Diceros bicornis michaeli) which had a historic distribution from south Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia down through Kenya into north-central Tanzania. Today, its range is limited primarily to Tanzania.
* West African (Diceros bicornis longipes) is an extinct subspecies. Historically, it once occurred across most of the west African savanna. Until recently, only a few individuals survived in northern Cameroon, but on July 8, 2006 the World Conservation Union declared the subspecies to be tentatively extinct.
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