Oligocene Dog Skull

Oligocene Dog skull replica is cast from original specimen. Hesperocyon gregarius.
* Size: 3.9 inch (10cm)
* Museum quality replica
* Cast in durable polyurethane resins.
* Made in USA
Green River Formation. Wyoming. Most common dog of the Oliogocene. Tree climber.
The earliest branch of the Canidae was the Hesperocyoninae lineage, which included the coyote-sized Mesocyon of the Oligocene (38-24 Mya). These early canids probably evolved for fast pursuit of prey in a grassland habitat, and resembled modern civets in appearance. Hesperocyonine dogs became extinct except for the Nothocyon and Leptocyon branches. These branches lead to the borophagine and canine radiations.
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