Mastodon Skull

Mastodon Skull Replica. Mammut americanum. Pleistocene Wasatch Plateau of Utah. Unmounted.
* Size: 44 inch x 26 inch x 26 inch (112cm x 66cm x 66cm).
* Museum quality replicas are cast in durable Polyurethane resins.
* Made in USA
* Wood Crate $130
Mastodons or Mastodonts meaning "nipple tooth" are members of the extinct genus Mammut of the order Proboscidea and form the family Mammutidae.
M. americanum, the American mastodon, is the youngest and best-known species of the genus. They disappeared from North America as part of a mass extinction of most of the Pleistocene megafauna, widely presumed to have been related to overexploitation by Clovis hunters, and possibly also to climate change.
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