Large Iguanodon Footprint

Iguanodon footprint. Fossil replica.
* Hand Painted
* Measures: 28 inch x 22 inch x 3 Inch
* Museum quality
* Cast in durable polyurethane resins.
* Made in USA
Iguanodon, named in 1825, is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that existed roughly halfway between the first of the swift bipedal hypsilophodontids of the mid-Jurassic and the duck-billed dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous.
Eats: Ginkgo
Lived: 157.3 million years ago - 93.9 million years ago (Kimmeridgian - Cenomanian)
Height: 8.9 ft. (Adult)
Mass: 8,800 – 11,000 lbs
Length: 33 ft. (Adult)
Eaten by: Baryonyx, Eotyrannus
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