Oligocene Camel Skull

Oliogocene Camel Skull. Poebrotherium wilsoni. Common of the White River Formation. Nebraska.
* Size: 9.1 inch (23cm)
* Museum quality
* Cast in durable Polyurethane resins.
* Made in USA
Oligocene Camel is an extinct genus of terrestrial herbivore the family Camelidae, endemic to North America from the Eocene through Oligocene 38—30.8 mya, existing for approximately 7.2 million years.
Oligocene Camel looked more like modern camels than its predecessor Protylopus, but at 90 centimetres (3.0 ft) in height, it was roughly the size of a modern sheep. Its skull resembled that of a modern llama, while its limbs ended in hooved toes and were more built for speed than the feet of Protylopus.
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